Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nuh uh Not cool!

Originally uploaded by Vivalin.
So I've been updating my Flickr account adding in some funny images a mate found on th netz... anywho long story short went to put them into a set and it wouldn't let me!

Apparently free account holders are limited to only 3 sets which I already have. I really like sets they make my photos feel organised, they make me feel organised...and clean (yeah I'm not OCD! lol!).

Anywho this is a rant at Flickr I think thats a really uncool thing to do, how does letting me have unlimited Sets affect them in any way, its just makes things neater and organised! If you go on to Flickr Pro you can have more/unlimited (not sure on this still reading up) but I can't afford to upgrade my account I'm a student for Christ's sake! ARGH! Not happy Jan!

That is all


Hannah Little said...

i noticed this too viv, i also thought it was not cool. i wasnt happy wen i had planned what sets i wanted and then went to make them and realised i wasnt allowed too. damn flickr.. and yes, not happy jan. lol

erin. said...

ahaha i like you and hannah noticed it as well sooooo now i have three random groups which may as well be one big one as its all just shit. shit as a brick! ahaha.

good to see you are doing some work like i should be doing!
talk to you soon