Tuesday, April 17, 2007

...and another thing

Last night my friends and I also watched the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala which was absolutely hilarious, and I've been trying to find some kind of website or at least a review of the show but can't find anything. What I'm looking for is to find out the names of two comedians, one was Welsh and wore a yellow shirt and spoke very fast and sounded like he was on crack but boy was he funny!

The other is an Aussie bloke I think or maybe British he had a red top on and one gag was about his mum embarrassing him in a spa bath that himself, his mum, dad, and dogs were all swimming in and his mum made a joke about everyone in the Spa having sucked on her nipples! The way he said it was side splitting!

Anywho if anyone finds a review or article or anything or know who either of these two comedians are I would very much appreciate knowing!

One other thing to ask the help of everyone is...I have a display picture up, but I put it up by going through Customize and adding picture that way, but this doesn't count as a profile image does it? How do I host an image in my profile, I clicked on the link beside the box thingy and downloaded those Hello and Picasa programs but cant seem to work out from there how to host an image! Again help much appreciated!

If you didn't see the Gala and some kind person taped it and lets you borrow it, DO IT! It's rate funny!

Peace Out

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