Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Originally uploaded by Vivalin.
Todays task was to set up a Flickr account, and be part of yet another online community. Luckily i already had a Flickr account...as I set it up on the weekend when I put all my Gap Year photos on to my computer. Everyone that I was on a tour with during October and November last year has hosted there images from that trip on Flickr making them accessable to all of us that want them as we are all putting the same tags on our images.

I think Flickr is a brilliant tool to have an account with, as everyone who got images on my trip that i missed out on, I can now view them all as one...and knick them if I feel the need!

We were also asked to join a pool, though my friends from my trip were not belonging to any pool associated with our trip so i decided to create one and will send out invitations to them all, and then we will all be able to keep in contact in a much easier way then some of us emailing some and not others, this way all can see what is written and keep in touch!

I feel I should also head out and find pools that are of interest to me, maybe some of my other friends from back home have Flickr accounts, or maybe I will find some complete random pool that just interests me and see what happens!

To finish up I like Flickr, I now just need to get into gear and upload the rest of my holiday photos, then create other sets and put in non-holiday photos!

Until next time, I will leave you with the link to my Flickr account link so you can view the few images i have uploaded!

Peace Out


erin. said...

your photo of you is soooo cute! i totally didnt recognise you at all. well i loved your post it was very interesting. much better than mine ahhaha gold. well i shall be off talk to you soonish.

Hannah Little said...

ok Viv, well i thought i would reply to ur wonderful comment that i just recieved from u. Our damn hot water dispenser thingy is BROKEN, broken i say. It is so bad as we now hav to wait for the kettle to boil when we make noodles. argghhh!!! wel il c u at east when u come to visit.