Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rectifying last weeks blog!

Alrighty then, this is my second blog using blogspot. Apparently my post last week wasn't up to scratch compared to other blogs last week, so I must rectify this to make it into the Random Student Blog section under our BA-MA blogspot, so as not to fail.

I have gone in and read a couple of other students blogs from last week (some students in my class, some from others) and most seem to say general things about where they are from what course they do, likes/dislikes etc. etc. so maybe I should go down this path briefly to try and gain some points to get me into that Random Student Blogs section I want to be in so badly. I am meant to be writing on the topic of Del.icio.us but think I will write a seperate blog for that!

sooo here goes, sopme facts about me:

- My names Viv
- I'm 19, almost 20 which really scares me
- I do a double degree of Multimedia and Photography
- I'm from a town called Shepparton in country Victoria
- I finished school in 2005 at Notre Dame College
- I took 2006 off and went travelling through Europe
- I lived most of 2006 in Edinburgh
- I love Scotland and all things Scottish
- I hate waking up in the morning

I think that sums me up enough for now and hopefully I have rectified myself enough to get acknowledged and gain a Randon Student Blog spot, and with that I will leave you once again!

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