Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So for this week we had to create our own Technorati account, at first I was confused as I had no idea what the heck Technorati was. After having a look at the website and talking to fellow classates who had previously signed up for it I kind of started to understand it.

Technorati seems to be a kind of search engine - the article on Wikipedia says it is and works the same as Google. In some ways I think Technorati is similar to Google as it does work along the lines of a search engine only rather than searching through every websites tags for what you are looking for, it only searches through registered blogs for whatever you are looking for.

At the moment my Authority is 10 and my Rank is 517,486. My authority (which is a horrible word!) means how many people have saved my blog as a favourite and my rank is where I come in the technorati ranking system for the most amount of authority and favourites...I think. The smaller your Rank number the closer to the top you are.

Over the next few weeks I will keep watch on my authority and rank number to see if it improves. If you would like to see my Technorati then feel free to have a look!

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