My first stop was at Wikipedia. Wiki is a really good online encyclopedia type of website and is often a really good place to start assignments from (though not to cite for an essay as it is not up to University standard of being a reliable source) or at least be pointed in the right direction.
The first thing Wiki gave me for the search “interesting” was the Flickr site, which I found slightly amusing but didn’t feel this was what I wanted to write my blog on.
Next I tried searching for “interestingness” and Wiki brought up related pages which were mainly about interest rates and some on human interest and public interest topics, these may be interesting but it would depend on the content of what the issue they were discussing and again were not really what I was searching for to create this final post about.
Thus I gave up and decided I could not find anything worth while to write my final post on interesting about, but didn’t want to leave this post at that. So I have decided to write a little bit about what I’ve been doing in the hope it will be of some interest (Oh my God, can I write interesting any more times!).
Well to begin with I have now moved back into Stewards B Block! And it is still really great and it has been fantastic to see all my friends again, I can’t believe how much I have missed them and it was only a 3 week break!
Last term everyone brought with them belongings from their rooms at home to make their Stewards room feel more homely and I guess to make them less homesick as well as helping them settle in easier. Me being the type to not think about stuff like went “Pfft! As if I need those things, I’ll be right, there’s no need!” and I was alright, it’s not like I died or anything but I did miss being around some of my belongings I was used to seeing every day. This time around I have brought back with me so much stuff it’s ridiculous. I have successfully unpack (minus connecting my printer yet) and have decorated my room with posters and photos, as well as memento’s from my trip abroad to Europe last year, so I have all my shot glasses on my shelves that I collected from every country I visited while I was away! Other than moving back I’ve also been taking a new path in the styles of music I listen too.
During the holidays I went through a massive Beatles stage, I’ve always enjoyed liste
They are my mum’s favourite band and anytime we were on long car journey they were our compromise as I couldn’t handle her listening to talk back radio and she couldn’t stand listening to my normal music. I also wanted to learn more about the “Fab Four” so Googled them and got the official site which gave a quite good though brief overview look at the biography of the Beatles, I really enjoyed reading this style of writing as it was brief yet informative and well written! I did want to see if I could find something else on them and found this good Fan Site which gave a longer biography of them as well as lots of little snippets of information and trivia facts.
As well as going back in time and listening to the Beatles, I also started getting into dance/ house music which I think may be due to the fact living here in Wagga and going out so much there are so many Sydney/ Canberra folk who listen to this genre and it has rubbed off on me. During the holidays I really got in The Presets which I think are a Melbourne band and are fantastic to dance too I’m particularly fond of their tracks “Are you the one?” and “I go hard, I go home”.
Another good Aussie dance band I was listening to quite frequently is Sneaky Sound System who are from Sydney and they are brilliant I absolutely love their songs “Pictures”, “UFO” and “I love it” they are great tracks to have played whilst out dancing the night away!
I am really enjoying listening to these different styles of music that generally I would have just brushed to one side and never given a chance! I’m loving learning about new things, it’s great!
This is Viv signing off for MPA104 Assessment 1 (even though I have to write another post for Johannes to actually pass!)